Open Science and the open digital research ecosystem was the subject of the 2nd Open Science Fair Conference, held between 16 and 18 September 2019 in Porto, Portugal. The conference focused on the reshaping of standards and collaborative research processes, presenting the latest developments, opportunities and challenges arising from the implementation of Open Science. National Documentation Centre participated in the conference as a key partner in the OPERAS network and the OpenAIRE Advance project.
During the conference, the OPERAS network organised a workshop on the definition of the concept ‘FAIR data’ (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and presented practical solutions that will help the further dissemination of data in the field of SSH research.
In the session ‘Fostering a FAIR Research Culture: What Works?’ EKT partners presented the standards for the adoption of Open Science policies by institutions and research funders and other support activities provided by OpenAIRE Advance, and had a chance to interact with organisations interested in adopting Open Science policies.
The international conference was attended by researchers, institutional representatives and managers of research infrastructures, research funders and library representatives, highlighting the complementary role of the respective communities in the transition to the new paradigm of scientific communication that Open Science represents.
Presentations were made by distinguished speakers who reported on international developments in research, giving examples that highlighted the ways in which the culture of openness in science shapes and influences the impact of research.
In addition, the role of digital research infrastructures on the sustainability of new research paradigm was emphasised. Networks and services for the research community were presented, with a focus on the individual contribution of the various communities of practice, and the central role of researchers as producers and managers of scientific information.
Finally, emphasis was placed on specific technical implementations, workflows and roadmaps for improving the dissemination and reuse of raw data and publications and policies to manage them within the European Open Science Cloud.