EKT Events

Εκδηλώσεις ΕΚΤ

Online Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference by Enterprise Europe Network

An applied artificial intelligence Conference will be held online by Enterprise Europe Network and the participants will have the opportunity for multiple B2B meetings. 

11.05.2020 Virtually
Innovation marathon against COVID-19

EKT supports the initiative, which aims to develop digital applications and methodologies for the economy and society which tackle the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

30.04.2020 Online
Global Hack: An international digital movement against COVID-19

The Global Hack will be held virtually from 9th until 12th of April 2020 and is being supported also by EKT.

09.04.2020 to 12.04.2020 Virtually
Workshop for Empowering Women #IamRemarkable

EKT and Google Hellas, with the support of Curious.Inc, organize the #IamRemarkable Workshop on 12/2 @ Google Hellas premises.

12.02.2020 Google Hellas, Frangoklissias 7, Marousi
PRIMA Info Day

The Event is Organized by GSRT and will be online @ http://media.ekt.gr/live

24.01.2020 National Hellenic Research Foundation, Vas.Constantinou 48, Athens
85th World Library and Information Congress of IFLA in Athens

During the International Conference, a representative of EKT will talk about Open Access. 

24.08.2019 to 30.08.2019 Athens, Megaron Athens International Convention Centre
Training Event ‘Enhancing Gender Equality and the Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation’

The National Documentation Centre (EKT) is organizing on June 20th, 2019 at the National Hellenic Research Foundation (L. Zervas Amphitheatre, Vas. Konstantinou 48, Athens) a Training Event for... 20.06.2019 Athens - ''Leonidas Zervas'' amphitheatre (48 Vassileos Constantinou Avenue - 116 35 Athens)

eHealth B2B matchmaking event

The National Documentation Center, coordinator o fEnterprise Europe Network-Hellas, supports the participation of Greek companies to the event.

21.05.2019 to 23.05.2019 Gothenburg, Sweden
Webinar to Support Open Science Policy Creation and Legal Issues

Dr Marina Angelaki from EKT participates in the webinar, presenting open access policies. 

20.05.2019 Διαδικτυακά
William Allen lecture 'Βig Data, New Media, Documentation Issues: Learning from Pioneering Initiatives'

The lecture series is being organised by the National Documentation Centre's scientific Board Scientific Board.

William Allen is a Fellow by Examination in Political and Development Studies... 08.05.2019 National Hellenic Research FoundationNational (48, Vas. Constantinou Av. GR-11635, Athens)
