Ψηφιακό Περιεχόμενο

IFLA 2005: Libraries - A voyage of discovery - World Library and Information Congress: 71st IFLA General Conference and Council
14.08.2005 έως 18.08.2005 Νορβηγία
International Conference on E-Government and E-City: Vision, Innovations and Opportunities
14.06.2005 έως 16.06.2005 Μαλαισία
International congress on information society - IT4ALL
04.02.2003 έως 07.02.2003 Ισπανία (Bilbao)
IST-Africa 2006 Conference and Exhibition
03.05.2006 έως 05.05.2006 Νότια Αφρική
IST:Information Day On Audiovisual Search Technologies
19.12.2005 Βρυξέλλες
JCDL 2010 - Digital Libraries - 10 years past, 10 years forward, a 2020 Vision
21.06.2010 έως 25.06.2010 Αυστραλία (Gold Coast)
JCDL 2011 Digital libraries: Bringing Together Scholars, Scholarship and Research Data
13.06.2011 έως 17.06.2011 Καναδάς (Ottawa)
LIBER Annual Conference 2010
29.06.2010 έως 02.07.2010 Δανία (Aarhus)
Libraries Without Walls 6: Evaluating the Distributed Delivery of Library Services
16.09.2005 έως 20.09.2005 Ελλάδα ( Λέσβος)
Ministerial Conference on eGovernment
25.11.2005 έως 28.11.2005 Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο


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